Worthington Town Elections are scheduled for June 27, 2020.

All voters are encouraged to vote by mail. Space is tight at Town Hall and in-person voting will be limited to one voter at a time.

Voting will be at Town Hall from 8:30am, – 12:30pm. on Saturday, June 27, 2020.

In light of widespread practice of social distancing, the law provides for two alternatives to voting in person:


The law allows any person taking precautions related to COVID-19 to vote by absentee ballot. Any eligible voter may apply for an absentee ballot by filling out the absentee ballot application available here. Applications may be returned by placing in the lock box on the Town Hall ramp or by mail.


The law provides for early voting by mail. Any eligible voter may apply for an early voting ballot by filling out and returning the early voting application available here. Applications may be returned by placing in the lock box on the Town Hall ramp or by mail.

The ballots are identical and will be mailed to you. They must be returned by mail or via the lock box on the Town Hall ramp. A sample Ballot is below.

An application can be mailed to you along with the ballot –  leave your name, voting address & MAILING address on 238-5577 x110 or email a request to townclerk@worthington-ma.us

Ballots must be received by election day to be counted

Thank you,
Katrin Kaminsky
Town Clerk
